Spring Relaxation is here:
Walk the stone Salt Lick Labyrinth.
Celebrate the Gila Centennial take a hike.
Watch the Hummingbirds.
The weather has been wonderful. Everything is getting green and blooming. The first starts of the sunflowers are coming up and the daffodils blossoms are gone. Summer is on its way.Spring is happening now; the hummingbirds are back, the frogs are hopping, and ravens are building nests.
May 13th, Monday 6pm - we are celebrating the Farmer's Market -we planned a menu from the goodies there.
May 20th, Monday 6pm- is Wine Pairing Dinner. A fun menu featuring smoked salmon and fresh corn!
May 24th, Friday 12 noon- is "Think a Recipe" we will revisit the suggestions and explore salads that go with the corn bisque. A look into citrus salads.
Mother's Day Brunch is sold out, but we are offering Mother's Day Brunch on Saturday too. Call to save a spot.
Call 575-538-2538 or Email:info@bearmountainlodge.com
To reserve you place. Menus are online starting May 6th for the specialty dinners.
We are looking forward to Javier Cervantes's clay workshop in July 22nd-July 26th 10:00 am-3pm daily lunch included.
Javier is a delightful person and potter-the workshop should be a great resource for everyone and a lot of fun. His work is very elegant and refined.
Call to reserve.
We are waiting with bated breath for the final galley of the cookbook. It is coming. Yahoo.
The next newsletter should have a delivery date.
The GILA 100 is coming hopefully the end of the month.
We will alert everyone by email the date Jay Hemphill will be signing the copies of the THE GILA 100 here.
Matt Gatton Book- "The Shadows of Socrates: The Heresy, War, and Treachery behind the Trial of Socrates is in print.
Matt lives in Santa Fe and visits the Lodge.
The book has gotten wonderful reviews, we recommend it.
Big News- we have seven ring neck pheasant chicks.
They are one week old now and living in the bathroom at home. The bathroom's temperature is kept at 95 for them. A bit of misery for the humans.
We hope to release them at 8 weeks or sooner if the bathroom gets too small! They are exercising their wings as of this morning.
Alan is busy building an aviary for them.
A group of pheasants is a bouquet (I love that idea). Spring is a perfect time for a bouquet. The group is also called a nest or a nide. In art, the pheasant is the symbol of elegance and word origin is from the Greek for bird of the river.
Call us today at 575 538 2538 or reserve online.
Ready to Spring!
Susan Berry, former Director of the Silver City Museum, stopped by for a visit . She brought us a 1965 article on Bear Mountain Lodge from the Daily Press. The advert above was under the article. We thought the advert reflects everything The Gila has to offer. An excellent reminder of the Gila Wilderness' wonders.
60 Bear Mountain Ranch Rd.
P.O. Box 1163, Silver City, NM 88062
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