We added the a flagpole with the New Mexican Flag. It definitely looks great against the blue sky.
The leaves are coming out with bits of green. We had crocus blooming last week and the daffodils are in bud. The birds are singing every morning. Spring is upon us.
The winter was a tough one this year with lots of mud, but Spring will benefit from all the moisture.
The flowering plum trees in town are just beautiful.
Easter menu is online . The menu has some wonderful entrees to include smoked salmon quiche, duck confit hash, french toast with pears and pistachios, and chicken and waffles.
We are working on the cookbook. Jay took this great picture of Genna's Lemon Olive Oil Cake. The cake reminds me of daffodils and the beginning of Spring.
The Cafe cooking class is April 19th at 10 am . We are making Chicken Scaloppini with a lemon caper sauce-a perfect meal for the Spring. Let us know if you can to come and participate. It is $25. for the class and lunch of the scaloppini, salad, and desert.
Liza Jane von Rosenstiel sent three new canvases.
A Deer, (see below) a Jackrabbit, and a peaceful kingdom of two Donkeys and a Sheep. Liza Jane is the artist who created the great mural in the dining room. The pieces are on rolled canvas easy to install and ship.
Chris McDaniels' new platters for the Bear Mountain Lodge dinnerware have gone into production-very exciting.
The ravens are collecting horse hair for their nests. It is fun to watch them debate which hair is better Z's red or Pixie's black- well, black is in vogue this year by early collection data.
Mui Mui, the cat, has expanded his prowess of door opening to included turning the dead bolt...it is harder for him but he is practicing.
Zackery and Charlsie Mae, the poodles, got chased by two coyotes the other morning just to remind us we do live near the national forest.
We are excited about the coming months, looking forward to more horse riding time, wildflowers, butterflies, and hummingbirds, who should be here any day.
We hope to see you soon!
Word of the Month:
salubrious- favorable to one's health.
Winter lifts to spring, the weather is salubrious.
The spring notes are definitely lifting my spirits.
Call us today at 575 538 2538 or reserve online.
60 Bear Mountain Ranch Rd.
P.O. Box 1163, Silver City, NM 88062
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