A cake with strawberries on top of it is on a plate on a table.


February 2025


Time to celebrate, hike, have a visit, nap, and
look at the stars (see note below).

 NOTE: January 31st and early February is the best to start looking up for the planetary alignment or parade of planets.
Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn will be lined up in the sky.
You will need to have high powered binoculars or telescope to view Neptune and Uranus, though. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus should be visible to the naked eye.
Pretty exciting.
They will align again on the 28th of February - so many chances this month to view them.

Love and Friendship in the air!
Come celebrate.
We have Valentine's Day dinner over three days, so no one day is crazy busy.
February 13th Wine pairing WILL class (sold out).
February 13th Wine pairing Dinner 6 pm limited seating
February 14th, 15th, and 16th - Valentine's Dinner 5-7 pm
February 20th Wine pairing Dinner 6 pm limited seating
All menus are online under Cafe Oso Azul.
Wine pairings will be on the menus starting next Wednesday, the 5th.

We have a wonderful collection of John McNulty hearts for friends and partners.
We just got in Louie Gizen moons, stars, and winged wall pieces. Very fun.

The blades are turning, the water is pumping, and the pond is starting to be a reality!
It is very exciting. Diana is planning on using local bird themed tiles to create a box to insulate the pipe going to the pond. The benches are sculpted and just need to be painted, then it is about the fence, plaques, and wildlife cameras.

We are in the process of ordering chicks for the coop.
We are planning on getting some Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantams - we have had one for years now. She always makes us laugh. She is a great layer and mother.
So we are looking at a mini-flock of fun coming this Spring.
We are also going to get Lonesome Lou, the single ring neck male pheasant, some companionship. He has been living with the chickens and is tired of speaking chicken and wants to speak his native language.

Mui Mui has been very successful in gaining winter weight (a goal).
He especially likes napping in the chair closest to the fireplace after a meal.
He has bullied Charlsie Mae, the black poodle, so much she is terrified of him,
which he finds wonderful. He feels a job well done.
He has had a great winter.

Prognosticate - meaning to foretell or prophesy of a future event.
 The tradition of Groundhog Day, February 2nd, is definitely based on prognostication.
February 2nd is midpoint between spring equinox and the winter solstice,
a time when we need a ray of sunshine and hope.
The Native Americans called February the Bear Moon or Hunger Moon.
Both concepts are very fitting.
The Bears are denning and having their babies and the food supply is getting thin.
Groundhog Day dates back to the 18th century.
Humans observed the behavior of badgers and bears in hope of spring maybe a bit earlier - the old ray of hope and warmth. 
At about this time of the year, I am ready to plan for spring, hence chicken shopping and seed shopping.
So, may all the prognostications of hope and warmth be wonderful and true for all of us.
Hope to see you soon.

Call us today at 575-538-2538 or reserve online.

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