Mid-January, a friend from Oregon, Nancy is coming to help the kitchen.
We are very excited to see her and cook! She will be here for the winter and blue skies.
We will be creating some new dishes and wine pairings. Very exciting..
Lots of great dining options:
December 15th-Wine pairing dinner
December 24th-Christmas Eve Posole and Luminarias
(The beautiful photo above by Jay Hemphill is of the posole-yum.)
December 25th Christmas Dinner
December 31st- New Year's Eve Dinner
January, Friday the 26th -Wine pairing for the new year
The wine pairing dinners have been great fun. Menus are online and reservations are a must!
One more galley to go and it is off to the printer. Yahoo.
A workshop is being considered for the Lodge and Natural Curiosity's Hermosa. Let us know if you are interested.
The workshop will feature images in nature and an emphasis on NOT their natural scale.
In other words watch out for those giant microscopic organisms.
The workshop will be led by artist/scientist Jerri Bartholomew, you will explore Gila Forestusing multiple lenses (both figurative and literal). In the field, we will map a transect through different ecosystems, collect samples (e.g. plants, water, insects, soil) and data (e.g. distance, depth, temperature). In the workshop, we will examine material collected under a microscope. Using drawing, gel printing, and/or a medium of your choice you will explore how perception changes with scale and how data can be incorporated into and inform art. Participants will keep a notebook and will create a small collection of annotated prints.
Please check out both of their websites:
Natural Curiosity- www.natural-curiosity.org
Jerri Bartholomew- www.jerribartholomewglass.com
Mui Mui has already climbed the Christmas tree and been admonished by Lisa and Susie. They had to replace two strings of lights. A new holiday tradition.
The horses, Z and Pixie, have their fuzzy winter coats on, and so does Mui.
He looks larger, more panther like (which he loves).
Zack is perfect in dog class and Charlsie Mae is not. But we are working on it.
The cows are staying closer to the barn- the hay is definitely greener there.
The chickens love their new wall heater. They sit and look at themselves in it.
We are waiting for a solar panel to move them to their new digs.
Auld Lang Syne- means "old long since or old times"
We hope all of us this new year, "Take a cup of kindness yet" !
It is a special line of the song for humanity.
We truly believe that it is HOPE for better times will help us- kindness is hope.
Happy Holidays and best wishes from all of us.
See you soon.
P.S. The Gila Wilderness celebrates a 100 years in 2024.
Call us today at 575 538 2538 or reserve online.
Big thank you to Wendy and Jennifer Phillips for the annual refreshing of the Puma Bench. The New Mexico sun is hard on paint of any kind. We have discovered an year is about all the paint can take of the sun before it fades. They took up the paint and brushes and spent the morning giving the bench a fresh coat of paint. The Puma Bench is bright and happy again. It is the most photographed or selfied place on the Lodge grounds. The Puma Bench is ready for you to come and have a photo shoot. On other news, Rainer and Chelsie finished planting over 300 bulbs in the field by the pond. Springtime hopefully will be more colorful.
Aruca, our friend from Mongolia, sent this picture of a recent horse trip. I love the rein over the horses ear. Wooden sandles- makes me sore just looking at them.
60 Bear Mountain Ranch Rd.
P.O. Box 1163, Silver City, NM 88062
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