Gila 100 book is here! Yahoo!
The photo above is of the new barn weathervane made by Paul Meyers.
I made an error in Paul's last name in the past newsletter.
I gave him his wife, Shannon, last name. My apologies.
The weathervane is absolutely stunning. The blacksmith work is perfect. He also made a mechanism that allows it to fit any roof pitch.
A great addition to the Lodge's permanent art collection.
"May the wisdom of the poodle be with you".
The pheasant aviary is coming along- the two main rooms are done. The run is almost completed. The pheasants are growing fast. I'll post photos of them next month. I should know by then the ratio of males and females we have. Katelyn has a bouquet from the same shipment-we decided we would trade if she got too many males or too many females. We watched three videos on "how to sex them?", but decided it is much easier just to wait for the plumage to tell us the facts of life.
Katelyn was given a baby hummingbird and 4 wren chicks, they were found on some branches from a tree trimming project someone was doing. The office became a bird nursery. Mui Mui only movement from his chair was during feeding time. He became all ears at the office door. Katelyn did a great job and all have been released. We posted a video on Facebook of feeding the hummingbird chick. It will make your day.
July 13th, Saturday - Wine Dinner and Pairing will feature produce and products from Grant County Farmers' Market- 6pm.
July 20th, Saturday - Crab Risotto will be the star entree with fun starters, a salad, and dessert from the market.
July 26th- "Think a Recipe" luncheon at noon
July 29th Clayfest Brunch 11-3pm
Reservations a must! email: info@bearmountainlodge.com or call us: 1 575 538 2538
Both dinners will be paired with John Mahan's Solera wine.
Regular menu and special menus are on the website now.
The wine selection will be on the website early July.
Bear Mountain Center for Sustainability (our 501 3C-3) for the Lodge has partnered with the Youth Mural Program of Silver City to begin creating a bird sanctuary on the property at the crossroads of Sunrise Ridge and Quail Flat trails.
Before Covid, we filled out the paperwork for the 501 C 3 with the idea of doing more with the community and nature....then came Covid and the idea was shelved.
Here we are a celebration of being out of Covid, the idea is coming to fruition.
The Youth Mural Program will create bird-shaped benches made using the same process as the Puma Bench at the Lodge for viewing stations by the POND.
We are having a well drilled, so the old dirt tank can become a year-round pond.
The Continental Divide (a bird super highway) is about a half mile further up the hill. The site will become a great stop for birds and wildlife, especially migrating birds.
We will also have a wooden windmill to keep the pond with water year round.
The blades of the windmill will be a bird flying when in motion - like Muybridge's
"Galloping Horse film". The first motion picture.
We are delighted to have been given a grant from 30 Something Organization for $30,000 to start the project. The well permit has been approved and drilling has started.
We are currently working on the budget: the well, the windmill, and some excavating are the primary variables. One doesn't know how deep the well will be till its drilled...and the size of the windmill is predicated on the depth of the well. Math rules.
The Youth Mural Program part is a fixed cost and is covered.
We will probably need some donations in the future.
We will keep you informed as the project develops and the bills are rolling in.
We have a great start, thanks to 30 Something! See photo below.
It is exciting for us and the county.
GILA 100 is here, being signed, numbered, and boxed to send to the people who pre-ordered. The books should go out in the post Monday and Tuesday of next week.
Local purchasers may pick up their order starting this Saturday.
On July 11th, Jay will be here from 4 - 6 pm to autograph and personalize copies of the book. Come to get a special notation in your book or just to say hi,
Hope to see you for a visit and some cookies.
The Cookbook is at the binders! Next the slow boat to here.
Gratitude: the three stages.
First-Feeling grateful for the good things in one's life.
Second-Expressing gratitude to the people who have helped you.
Third-Adopting new behavior as result with those who have helped.
So don't be a bounder (a non-community person).
Thank you again to 30 Something and everyone who visits and loves the Lodge.
Call us today at 575 538 2538 or reserve online.
BIG NEWS! The Bear Mountain Center for Sustainability has teamed up with the Youth Mural Program. It is the start of developing a bird sancutary. It is an easy walk from the front kiosk to the site a little less than a quarter of a mile. We envision the benches and pond to becoming a perfect place to see birds and other wildlife. The Youth Mural Project starts planning their benches and painting on the wind mill blades early July. Stop by and see how it is progressing.
GILA 100 is here. Jay has signed and numbered one pallet so far. The labels have been printed and we are starting to get the books ready to post. I hope to have them posted on Monday. Local purchases can be picked up starting on this Saturday . We are having an official signing with Jay on July 11th from 4-6pm. Jay will autograph and sign a personal copy for you. It is a wonderful reminder of the beauty of the Gila Wilderness and the vision of Aldo Leopold. Definitely something to celebrate, we feel so lucky to be here and to live by the Gila.
60 Bear Mountain Ranch Rd.
P.O. Box 1163, Silver City, NM 88062
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